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Apparitions is a body of work that sets out to capture the calm mechanical reaction to kinetic contact, the tension and exhaustion of combat operations. It is a body of work about reflection, necessity, immersion, and cycle. The images capture this drill, be it ten minutes, an hour, an afternoon, a week, a year or a life. The viewer cannot tell, just as the subject cannot - they blend together into the total work. In the same step the images work in pairs - one reloads one fires,  in groups - some cover and others advance,  as a whole - achieving the objective,  and yet alone. A visceral view that places the viewer adjacent to the subject at all times; up close as individual moments and from afar as a cohesive memory.

"I'll show you what its like to be invisible


I'll show you what it's like to be invincible"

(A Skylit Drive)

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